Friday, October 19, 2012

Onto the fields of Rohan

Greetings from Rohan!

All in all it has been a superb campaign though not without some significant technical difficulties.  Many people who planned on entering Rohan have been stopped at the border with various issues. My heart goes out to them who are missing the greatest campaign in the past several years and  I sincerely hope they will be able to join the front lines soon.

Myself, I find it necessary to take a pause often, initally roughly every half an hour  but now only every couple of hours or so.  Avoiding doors seems to help too.  These pauses come without schedules or timetables and I have found it quite annoying to be taking down a particularly bad boss only to find myself frozen in space/time and wake up at a later date.  So far I haven't visited those circular stone rings but odds are it will happen sooner or later.

I have some pictures but due to other technical difficulties I have had to sketch with some very broad strokes. Apparently, applying too much detail to my pictures causes these momentary loss of conciousness'.  I can only hope the whole mess is resolved soon.  It is a real shame because everything in Rohan just feels... sharper, more colorful, better, somehow. Oddly, when I cheer no sound comes out... very odd...

As you can see the people of Rohan have provided me with one of their mounts and I am quite happy with her.  I was offered this red roan and I was quite grateful and even more grateful when I learned how expensive any horse that isn't colored white can be.  Frightfully expensive and all those things people like to put on their horses are just as bad so I don't expect my fashion sense to be well displayed with my mounts.  Apparently non white colored horse breeders are making so much money they don't need to sell many horses.  Hopefully that market will change soon but knowing the breeders I have little hope.  Here you can read more about it.

Managing the horse itself hasn't been too hard.  I did learn one hard lesson.  After being shown how to ride one of these peculiar horses I was given a bridle and asked to 'identify' it first before using it. Whatever. The forge guy I went too must have misunderstood me because the next thing I knew he broke the bridle in half and gave me this little relic.  I was not amused.  I guess people in Rohan don't hear very well.

I have been feeling over prepared actually.  These orcs and easterlings and other bad thingies have had rediculously poor training.  I can hardly stay awake while chewing my way through them.  It is really sad how easy it all is.  Boring almost.

Oh well, the scenery is fantastic.  The people all have very interesting stories.  I am really enjoying my wanderings.  I say wanderings because it really isn't tough enough to be called a campaign.  I look at the pretty scenery, pick a few flowers, swat a few orcs, and move on. 

So far I have explored the Wolds, the East Wall and a fair amount of area in the Norcrofts.  Since so many of my friends are still trying to pass customs at the border I am moving slow, taking my time,   talking to everyone, and generally experiencing a pleasant and entertaining vacation. Not at all the aggressive campaign I was planning on.  I have been promised a new 'level' of 85 (is that like a rank?)and I am half way there already.  I suppose I have new skills to learn but I really haven't needed half the skills I have already so I haven't bothered with training any new skills yet. 

Here I am just watching the moon rise over Amon Hen.  I have always heard about the place and it is really great to sit on the seat where so many kings have farted before me.

So that is about it.  I will be taking a break this weekend and won't be back until next week sometime where I will probably answer the plea from Lady Galadriel.  Hopefully by then I will have friends that can join me and keep me company.  I don't care if they help me.  Hopefully they will keep me from falling asleep mid-swing though. Very embarrasing to forget you are fighting a drooling fool of an orc as it swings repeatedly at you (and misses most of the time...)  I am seriously considering leaving my armor at home and fighting in the nude just for some excitement.  Easy is not the Champ way.

Laters Taters, go smoosh some orcs, and try to stay awake...

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