Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rohan checklist

100 Westfold Athelas potions... check
minimum 20 each Westfold power, wound, fear, disease, poison potions... check
100 bilberry pies... check
100 Rarebit muffins... check.
20 Battle scrolls... check.
10 fervor potions.. check.
Legendary weapons and runes... check.
Weapons and jewelry ... check.
Weaponsmith guild reputation tokens stockpiled... check.

Empty out bags to make room for new loot..... errrr... check.

Stationed at forward postion near Parth Celebrant... check.

Andu is ready to kick some Rohan orc butt!

That about sums up the activities for the week.

I did manage to make a little time for some target practice with the new bow I recently had made for me.

In some spare time yesterday I also managed to contribure my acting talents to the upcoming BBB epic motion picture currently in mid production.

Here I am playing the part of 'corpse #4'.  I was told I was especially chosen for this role.

I managed to get off this snapshot while positioning for a 'charge in column' shot with 20 other riders.

Besides Rohan prep and making motion pictures not much to report.  I have been debating whether to make my first contributions to the Rohan campaign on the front lines at Parth Celebrant or to honor a special request from the Lady Galadriel.  In the end, I decided to participate in the initial assault and ensure our success there before making an appearance before the Lady of Breasts (my nickname for the very well endowed Galadriel).

I got a postcard from my friend Storbjorn this week.  He has finally decided to move his Thorins Hall metalsmithing operations to Forochel. I think he was just getting tired of Erid Luin and wanted a change.  He will certainly find it there in Forochel. Plenty of snow and ice to keep him company. 

and just to be first with a 'Ride into Rohan moving picture that wasn't shot on a test server I put this little thing together.

Ride over the bridge to Rohan

That's it.  New Worlds to conquer and Andu will be there!

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